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by Ross Hewitt

Baffin Island is an area that defines extremes. Earth’s fifth biggest island lies well within the Arctic Circle, ensuring it experiences 24-hour daylight over the summer, but suffers complete darkness during the winter months. It’s not unusual for temperatures to drop to -30°C, and that frigid cold is exacerbated by gale force winds and the consequent wind chill. The largest sea cliffs on Earth rise up out of the North East fiords for nearly two kilometres. Scientists have found rock on Baffin that is thought to be nearly as old as the Earth itself – 4.5 billion years old – and the indigenous Inuit people are descended from the Thule who migrated here from Alaska over 1,000 years ago. The walls that define Baffin have been weathered and split by ice ages and they were why we wanted to come to Baffin.

Read the full story on SideTracked.com: http://www.sidetracked.com/skiing-baffin-island/