JP Auclair Street Segment (from All.I.Can.) on Vimeo

, , , , memory of one of the greatest humans ever created, truly, JP Auclair. An unbelievable skier, one of the absolute all-time best - but skiing was just a sliver of his talents, and the gifts he gave our world. His brilliantly creative mind

HookĂ© 2014 – Le Mouching

  What did you do, this year? Our Quebecois friends from HookĂ© have been fishing, a lot! 2014 got us to places we never thought we’d see in our lives. From the southern tip of the Americas, in Patagonia, to the northern tip of QuĂ©bec


SURFING @ 1000 FRAMES PER SECOND on Vimeo on Vimeo via SURFING @ 1000 FRAMES PER SECOND on Vimeo.

Catching waves with Rip Curl’s SearchGPS surf watch | Engadget

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Catching waves with Rip Curl's SearchGPS surf watch Andy Bowen @An_dbowen August 2nd 2014 at 1:00 pm August 2nd 2014 1:00 pm "Track every wave and know every tide." That's the concept behind Rip Curl'sSearchGPS, a location-tracking

Iceland on Vimeo

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Iceland on Vimeo on Vimeo Iceland from Ugmonk on Vimeo. via Iceland on Vimeo.

L’Eroica: A Race Against Time –

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By JEFFREY FURTICELLA   L’Eroica: Old Wheels on Tuscany’s Gravel Roads Of all the things a cyclist could list as essentials for riding, the road is not likely to be the first to jump to mind; it is a given. But in the vineyards


Three friends reunite for a Wyoming adventure thanks to the Huckberry Explorer's Grant Oct 9, 2014 | By William Civitillo William Civitillo was selected as a winner of one of the original Huckberry Explorer's Grants by Nat Geo

The Perfect Kit—Fly Fishing for Trout – Gear Institute

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THE PERFECT KIT FOR FLY FISHING FOR TROUT By: Dan Nelson - October 22, 2014 While every angler has their own ideas about what they need (want) in terms of gear for their own form of fishing, there are a few universal truths we all can agree

Café du Cycliste Josette Waterproof Jersey | The GearCaster

by Amy Jurries on October 24, 2014 When riding in the rain, you normally think of throwing on a waterproof jacket but how about wearing a waterproof jersey instead? The new Fall/Winter collection from French company Café du Cyclist includes

Fly Fishing in Belize – Le Mouching

Fly Fishing Belize, une bible pour tous les pĂȘcheurs de Permit ou ceux qui rĂȘvent d’en attraper ? Jim Klug dont on connais tous les photos sans savoir qu’elles sont de lui, Ă  rĂ©uni les meilleurs d’entre elles dans un livres prĂ©facé 

All.I.Can street segments behind the scenes

This street segment is still the best video I've seen in the past three years. I watch it over and over. I love the music too. JP Auclair was an amazing guy. The Creative Seggy: Behind the Scenes of the "JP Auclair Street Segment" from Sherpas

CURVES ‘N’ TURNS – Trailer on Vimeo

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CURVES 'N' TURNS - Trailer from CURVES 'N' TURNS on Vimeo. "We®ve got to stop once in a while and let our spirit catch up." Everything®s getting faster and faster nowadays. This project was an experiment to slow down living, or rather

Best Driving Sunglasses – Gear Patrol

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Sunglasses are sunglasses, right? If you’re serious about safe driving, the answer is a resounding no. You can’t just slap on a pair of clearance carousel drugstore shades and expect a great behind-the-wheel experience; nor does spending